Ashfield Winter Challenge 2024

3x3x3 Blindfolded Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Rowe Hessler 2007HESS01 United States 19.47 32 17.70 53
2 Christopher Chi 2014CHIC01 United States 49.27 405 33.05 422
3 Krish Shah-Nathwani 2015SHAH09 United States 1:17.10 804 46.12 748
4 Brandon Villadolid 2019VILL03 United States 1:41.08 1172 1:08.17 1383
5 Viktor Pearl 2019PEAR02 United States 2:49.63 2058 1:15.00 1597
6 Michael Lee 2023LEEM05 United States 2:39.20 4445
7 Levi Gibson 2018GIBS04 United States 2:41.96 4542
8 Eli Rogers 2022ROGE05 United States 3:52.73 2537 2:46.42 4704
9 Angelo Terpening 2019TERP01 United States 3:53.88 6581
Josh Sanderson 2022SAND01 United States
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