Corinth Comic Con Cubing 2024

2x2x2 Cube Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Eli Parker 2016PARK02 United States 2.45 1335 0.97 573
2 Kayden Yang 2022YANG24 United States 2.67 1896 1.71 3967
3 Austin Ray Stone 2023STON03 United States 2.85 2533 0.87 360
4 Daniel Gilbert 2023GILB09 United States 2.96 2974 1.98 6002
5 Owen K. Jensen 2023JENS05 United States 3.13 3763 2.14 7633
6 Field Noble 2023NOBL03 United States 3.14 3825 2.19 8129
7 Roman Wofford 2017WOFF01 United States 3.15 3881 1.30 1648
8 Levi Tuanama 2023TUAN05 United States 3.63 7011 1.85 4938
9 Trenton Cuzick 2017CUZI01 United States 3.67 7342 2.13 7519
10 Jett Hansen 2023HANS07 United States 4.08 11289 3.05 21135
11 Ethan McClain 2023MCCL11 United States 4.13 11840 3.12 22433
12 Elliott Ashe 2017ASHE01 United States 4.31 13919 2.47 11790
13 David Scott 2018SCOT02 United States 4.88 21785 2.95 19405
14 Ian Jourdan 2023JOUR01 United States 5.09 24980 3.16 23138
15 Benjamin Craft 2024CRAF01 United States 5.14 25762 3.33 26295
16 Alexander Guirgues 2023GUIR04 United States 5.59 33254 4.14 41830
17 John Shidemantle 2017SHID01 United States 5.77 36218 3.53 29994
18 Gavin Jourdan 2024JOUR01 United States 8.00 70736 4.94 57563
19 Martin Albright 2024ALBR01 United States 8.54 77425 5.09 60502
20 Brody Rickman 2023RICK02 United States 9.87 91128 5.40 66276
21 Jake Rickman 2023RICK03 United States 11.65 104280 7.58 98591
22 Colin Walker 2024WALK03 United States 15.56 121808 6.98 91420
23 Dennis Yang 2022YANG32 United States 17.68 127926 8.69 109494
24 Lee Craft 2024CRAF02 United States 34.73 145387 26.71 150129
Beckett Noble 2024NOBL01 United States
Cohen Noble United States
James Alston United States
John Odem 2024ODEM01 United States
Parker Slaughter 2024SLAU01 United States
Stacey Woodruff 2023WOOD33 United States
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