Cubing at Hampton Beach 2025

5x5x5 Cube Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Derek White 2017WHIT01 United States 1:07.06 1369 51.90 498
2 Will Russo 2015RUSS03 United States 1:09.08 1635 1:00.65 1402
3 Alex Cohen 2015COHE02 United States 1:14.61 2468 1:06.32 2354
4 Joey Mait 2016MAIT02 United States 1:22.07 3913 1:14.87 4170
5 Zachary Miller 2017MILL04 United States 1:35.43 7059 1:26.62 7212
6 Sadiq Ahmed 2016AHME07 Nigeria 1:39.96 8208 1:35.73 9760
7 David F. Andron-Silva 2022SILV37 United States 1:53.87 11516 1:44.79 12150
8 Justin Lee 2019LEEJ10 United States 2:55.96 19258 2:27.55 21031
Connor Meehan 2019MEEH01 United States 2:50.56 24537
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