Glasgow Autumn - Scottish Blind Off 2024

3x3x3 Multi-Blind Psych Sheet

Sorted by: single

# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Ryan Eckersley 2019ECKE02 United Kingdom 32/34 53:29 40
2 Jaye Sloan 2022SLOA01 United Kingdom 31/33 54:15 44
3 Adam Black 2022BLAC01 United Kingdom 14/15 58:47 373
4 Max Kwok U Sam (郭愉琛) 2018SAMK01 Macau, China 12/13 50:37 444
5 Sam Jones 2023JONE09 United Kingdom 8/8 45:01 721
6 Daniel Kidd 2023KIDD02 United Kingdom 8/9 46:44 869
7 Maria Holton 2022HOLT03 United Kingdom 7/9 1:00:00 1340
8 Bella Campbell 2018CAMP17 United Kingdom 3/3 12:48 1634
9 Hayden Wallace 2023WALL05 United Kingdom 2/4 12:56 3218
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