LaFilanda Speedcubing 2024

Note: This competition is over, we are working to upload the results as soon as possible!

Clock Psych Sheet

Sorted by: average, sort by single

# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Lukas Berruti 2022BERR06 Lithuania 5.28 402 3.69 242
2 Mattia Pasquini 2019PASQ01 Switzerland 5.61 488 4.34 476
3 Loris Boldi 2022BOLD01 Italy 6.33 765 5.81 1226
4 Lorenzo Mauro 2014MAUR06 Italy 6.53 854 5.76 1190
5 Silvan Venzin 2021VENZ01 Switzerland 6.94 1069 6.29 1581
6 Gregor Mikic 2023MIKI01 Slovenia 7.69 1537 6.10 1424
7 Levin Houghton 2016HOUG01 Switzerland 8.22 1911 5.80 1216
8 Ismaele Chiarella 2022CHIA12 Italy 8.84 2342 7.41 2476
9 Reto Bubendorf 2012BUBE01 Switzerland 9.19 2607 7.74 2745
10 Rocco Rannisi 2022RANN01 Italy 9.25 2651 8.06 3061
11 Elian Beguec 2014BEGU01 France 9.73 3068 8.37 3382
12 Christopher Liam Fässler 2023FASS01 Switzerland 9.86 3173 8.25 3266
13 Mattia Ubbiali 2022UBBI01 Italy 10.43 3654 8.76 3781
14 Mattia Perego 2018PERE31 Italy 11.07 4227 9.37 4473
15 Giosuele Chiarella 2022CHIA11 Italy 11.78 4835 8.32 3327
16 Damiano Albini 2021ALBI01 Switzerland 12.12 5133 10.27 5446
17 Ottavia Mapelli 2022MAPE01 Switzerland 12.24 5231 10.89 6101
18 Olivier Wirz 2018WIRZ01 Switzerland 12.61 5541 10.17 5311
19 Valentin Perrez 2022PERR01 Switzerland 13.03 5909 10.38 5565
20 Joël Bevacqua 2023BEVA02 Switzerland 13.05 5932 11.44 6696
21 Daniel Houghton 2016HOUG03 Switzerland 16.53 8567 14.94 9995
22 Marc Brem 2022BREM02 Switzerland 17.31 9111 15.61 10596
23 João Filipe dos Santos Pinheiro 2017PINH01 Portugal 17.34 9130 14.68 9756
24 Aline Lustenberger 2022LUST01 Switzerland 18.81 10067 15.45 10461
25 Sonja Merkli 2023MERK02 Switzerland 25.60 13148 21.80 14754
Andrea Caliaro 2023CALI02 Italy 15.27 10288
Pier Ubbiali 2022UBBI02 Italy 16.88 11655
Michele Colapicchioni 2023COLA03 Switzerland 23.05 15403
Federico Colapicchioni 2023COLA02 Switzerland 34.56 19160
Alina Arranhado 2024ARRA01 Germany
Thibault Albertoni 2023ALBE08 Switzerland
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