Lincolnshire Autumn 2024

Clock Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Jacob Chambers 2017CHAM09 United Kingdom 3.31 14 2.77 35
2 Daniel Partridge 2022PART02 United Kingdom 3.60 36 2.76 33
3 James Kyoichi Curry (ジェイムス 恭一) 2023CURR06 United Kingdom 5.97 607 4.70 619
4 Sam Spendla 2015SPEN01 United Kingdom 6.40 800 3.98 330
5 Daniel Robinson 2023ROBI10 United Kingdom 7.89 1682 6.02 1369
6 Adam Swaine 2017SWAI01 United Kingdom 8.43 2049 6.89 2047
7 Noah Calderon-Kamata 2022CALD07 United Kingdom 8.76 2278 6.83 2004
8 Alan Fang 2023FANG02 United Kingdom 9.08 2515 7.68 2692
9 Paige Lovell 2022LOVE06 United Kingdom 9.12 2557 6.47 1718
10 AJ Nicholls 2015NICH04 United Kingdom 10.41 3641 9.28 4362
11 Seamus Murphy 2023MURP03 United Kingdom 10.79 3984 9.05 4098
12 George Carpenter 2011CARP01 United Kingdom 14.12 6856 11.90 7157
13 Philip Dubois 2022DUBO01 United Kingdom 16.22 8343 12.73 8011
14 Chris Bonnello 2019BONN05 United Kingdom 17.61 9308 15.19 10222
15 Ada Cooke 2020COOK03 United Kingdom 23.51 12378 22.24 14971
16 Scott Hunter 2024HUNT04 United Kingdom 35.02 15187 22.18 14935
Charlie Clements 2024CLEM06 United Kingdom
Jacob Price United Kingdom
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