Olympia Fall 2024

3x3x3 Blindfolded Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Ethan Davis 2016DAVI02 United States 23.75 79 20.01 101
2 Sameer Aggarwal 2017AGGA01 United States 1:05.63 632 34.66 463
3 Ethan Rusnak 2015RUSN01 Canada 53.63 464 44.44 700
4 Viet Nguyen 2024NGUY04 United States 1:19.32 828 56.68 1064
5 Ash Black 2017BLAC06 United States 1:29.82 985 1:10.14 1437
6 Adam Walker 2012WALK02 United States 2:48.10 2040 2:21.49 3882
7 Greyson James 2022JAME02 United States 2:34.52 4301
8 Saharsh Sai Vontela 2023VONT01 United States 2:39.49 4455
9 Sonja Black 2019BLAC02 United States 4:55.91 2777 3:10.17 5396
10 Anishk Arora 2022AROR09 United States 3:38.24 6205
11 Cailyn Hoover 2016HOOV01 United States 6:25.46 2912 3:49.67 6479
12 Jairo Santiago Callejas 2018CALL07 United States 4:48.40 7751
13 Ben Hitz 2022HITZ01 United States 6:42.42 9058
Ethan Chen 2019CHEE06 Canada
Mark Cordell 2022CORD03 United States
Seth Read 2023READ02 United States
William Alvarran Belz 2024BELZ01 United States
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