Quiet Seattle October 2024

3x3x3 Blindfolded Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Ethan Davis 2016DAVI02 United States 23.75 79 20.01 101
2 Ash Black 2017BLAC06 United States 1:29.82 985 1:10.14 1437
3 Nico Harper (李有為) 2016HARP02 United States 1:15.09 1602
4 Adam Walker 2012WALK02 United States 2:48.10 2040 2:21.49 3882
5 Zeke Miller 2017MILL07 United States 2:50.55 4828
6 Sonja Black 2019BLAC02 United States 4:55.91 2777 3:10.17 5396
7 Eshan Arora 2017AROR08 United States 3:45.56 6377
8 Jairo Santiago Callejas 2018CALL07 United States 4:48.40 7751
9 Vaughn Parker 2019PARK29 United States 5:00.24 7950
Malikai Bass 2024BASS05 United States
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