Texas Championship 2024

4x4x4 Blindfolded Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Ryan Pilat 2016PILA03 United States 5:27.26 116 2:08.44 49
2 Joshua Gao 2023GAOJ02 United States 2:51.26 112
3 Jeremy Sheng 2019SHEN10 United States 4:13.96 244
4 Catherine Connolly 2017CONN04 Canada 13:43.00 1252
5 James Wang 2015WANG87 United States 21:02.00 1564
Humberto Martinez III 2024IIIH01 United States
Raghav Kenchannavar 2019KENC02 United States
Siwoo Kim 2022KIMS12 Republic of Korea
Vincent Chen 2018CHEN17 United States
William Henry Ruppert V 2018RUPP02 United States
Zhea Salazar 2023SALA09 United States
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