Texas Championship 2024

Square-1 Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Dylan Baumbach 2019BAUM02 United States 4.81 1 3.81 5
2 Ryan Pilat 2016PILA03 United States 6.15 15 3.41 1
3 Anshu Chennuru 2016CHEN53 United States 6.41 20 4.67 33
4 CJ York 2016YORK01 United States 6.43 21 4.68 36
5 Vincent Chen 2018CHEN17 United States 8.57 149 6.73 232
6 Catherine Connolly 2017CONN04 Canada 10.88 492 8.10 554
7 Jose Ortiz Jr. 2019ORTI03 United States 12.41 785 8.89 793
8 Cole Dugger 2022DUGG04 United States 13.25 992 10.31 1242
9 Jeremy Sheng 2019SHEN10 United States 13.53 1074 9.79 1060
10 Jake Maddox 2016MADD01 United States 13.65 1101 10.55 1318
11 William Henry Ruppert V 2018RUPP02 United States 15.02 1431 11.72 1740
12 John Wanger II 2022WANG39 United States 15.50 1555 12.42 2014
13 Jonathan Pelser 2022PELS01 United States 16.85 1969 13.40 2397
14 Ryan Ylagan 2022YLAG01 United States 17.05 2032 10.94 1452
15 Anish Venkataraman 2022VENK14 United States 17.94 2275 15.33 3269
16 Austin Sanchez 2021SANC01 United States 18.76 2518 14.88 3055
17 Aidan Piper 2022PIPE02 United States 21.29 3378 16.38 3725
18 James Wang 2015WANG87 United States 21.50 3444 15.23 3217
19 Siddharth Reddy 2020REDD01 United States 22.48 3774 15.52 3359
20 Page Tan 2019TANP02 United States 24.29 4358 17.57 4272
21 Ryan Bernardo 2017BERN14 United States 24.97 4587 15.46 3335
22 Gavin DeVine 2023DEVI04 United States 26.17 5023 21.31 5979
23 Suhas Kundurthi 2021KUND01 United States 26.81 5234 21.87 6241
24 David Spitzer 2022SPIT04 United States 28.03 5645 23.07 6760
25 August Rhyne 2022RHYN01 United States 29.50 6155 23.12 6784
26 Marcus Kamen 2015KAME02 United States 29.62 6194 21.89 6248
27 Ian Kleppinger 2023KLEP02 United States 29.67 6213 20.95 5819
28 Noah Silva 2023SILV32 United States 30.18 6383 23.08 6764
29 Tristan Patrick 2016PATR03 United States 30.57 6524 23.49 6975
30 Luke Tsakopulos 2023TSAK01 United States 30.83 6624 22.78 6636
31 Maddox Smith 2024SMIT03 United States 35.00 8012 28.64 9213
32 Samuel Walker 2023WALK03 United States 42.06 10139 30.60 9977
33 Ollie Thompson 2024THOM11 United States 46.10 11156 35.72 11875
34 Siwoo Kim 2022KIMS12 Republic of Korea 53.32 12396 29.63 9598
35 Benjamin Spradley 2023SPRA03 United States 56.60 12843 30.06 9764
Samuel Snider 2023SNID03 United States 55.89 16327
Ishwara Vasista 2018VASI05 United States 1:21.23 18969
Zhea Salazar 2023SALA09 United States 1:42.53 19776
Eli Maslowski 2023MASL02 United States 1:42.69 19783
Bradley Parker 2024PARK39 United States
Brayden Ralph 2022RALP04 United States
Caleb Dye 2024DYEC01 United States
Caleb Torres 2016TORR12 United States
Corbin Hanson 2024HANS12 United States
Ethan Garcia 2023GARC14 United States
Gabriel King 2023KING17 United States
Geoffrey Munoz 2024MUNO15 United States
Humberto Martinez III 2024IIIH01 United States
Ignacio Montilla 2024MONT17 United States
Ishan Parikh 2019PARI10 United States
James Pruden 2024PRUD01 United States
Nico Solis 2024SOLI05 United States
Oliver Lee 2024LEEO02 United States
Oliver Simmons 2024SIMM01 United States
Siddanth Mallavaram 2024MALL02 United States
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