Don't Blow Away Casper 2024

3x3x3 One-Handed Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Raymos Castillo 2017CAST41 United States 16.31 1962 14.06 3021
2 Stone Amsbaugh 2018AMSB02 United States 16.56 2131 11.14 830
3 Miles Walcott 2021WALC02 United States 16.79 2326 12.45 1628
4 Kian Cline 2022CLIN01 United States 17.89 3231 14.52 3461
5 Zachary Miller 2017MILL04 United States 18.36 3643 15.66 4728
6 Evan Wilson 2023WILS11 United States 20.12 5400 15.98 5120
7 Elizabeth Cutting 2019CUTT01 United States 23.42 9220 18.09 7967
8 Bryan B. Conrrado 2023CONR01 United States 26.57 13376 23.74 16946
9 Carter Marshall 2022IVCA01 United States 27.37 14455 21.85 13905
10 Benjamin Watts 2018WATT04 United States 35.80 24866 25.61 19997
11 Braik Hurm 2019HURM01 United States 38.82 28130 28.52 24410
12 Leonidas Vladimir Vaughn Holloman 2021HOLL05 United States 39.18 28528 28.14 23884
13 Andrew Rogers 2018ROGE04 United States 45.62 33948 37.11 35097
14 Sebastian Bruno Beltran 2023BELT04 United States 45.89 34135 37.14 35131
15 William James 2023JAME05 United States 1:10.46 42374 48.82 43937
Brooks Whiteside United States
Dustin Later United States
Fletcher Jonathan McRady United States
Noah Gorski 2023GORS03 United States
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