Honolulu Hippocampus 2024

6x6x6 Cube Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Alex Lehman 2015LEHM01 United States 2:08.79 1135 2:02.27 1272
2 Anthony Carrillo 2022CARR20 United States 3:25.88 5816 3:12.79 5959
3 Chris Martin 2013MART03 United States 3:45.40 6791 3:29.22 6982
4 Jack Okazaki 2022OKAZ01 United States 3:56.68 7246 3:37.58 7469
5 Jaden Matsunaka 2023MATS01 United States 4:01.72 7438 3:16.79 6220
6 Enzo Xuan 2023XUAN10 United States 4:34.11 8303 4:22.73 9624
7 David Akamine 2018AKAM01 United States 6:08.67 9328 5:13.33 11252
8 Kealoha Morimoto 2018MORI07 United States 6:57.33 9516 5:17.50 11377
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