Fraud Incident in the Colombian Community
WDC (2014-11-13 23:01:08 +0000)
Dear Community,
Following an investigation by the WDC, Carlos Miguel Pérez (2012PERE04) is found to have financially defrauded multiple members of the Colombian cubing community.
Although not covered directly by any WCA regulation, this is a potentially criminal matter and is in gross conflict with the WCA's intentions and spirit.
Carlos is hereby banned indefinitely from competing in all WCA competitions.
Organisers and delegates also have the right to refuse him entry to any competition venue.
This ban will only be reconsidered upon an apology to all involved and a full reimbursement to those affected.
The Colombian community has obviously been deeply affected by this, and we hope that they can continue to recover from it.
WCA Disciplinary Committee (With the support of the WCA Board)