Incidents log
Title | Tags | Happened during | Status |
Competitor got a DNF result on a timer that was not reset | 11dA3b | PBQtah72024 | Resolved |
2x2 misscramble took only 3 moves to solve | 4b3b | ArCubingFest2018 | Resolved |
Competitor turned the puzzle before the judge had clearly inspected it | A6eA6e1 | GuilinOpen2024 | Resolved |
Competitor started the timer improperly, only visible with frame-by-frame video analysis | A3c1A4bA4b1 | JohorCubeOpen2024DalianOpen2024 | Resolved |
Question mark written on scorecard | A6fA7c+ | MinnesotaWarmUp2024 | Resolved |
Scorecards misplaced and later found, removing competitor from round | 9t3 | JukkasjarviMidnightSun2024 | Resolved |
Tripod fell on competitor during inspection and stopped attempt | 2i | VperVarese2024 | Resolved |
Competitor reset timer after signing a different scorecard | A6f1 | CountlessCubesChicagoB2024 | Resolved |
Competitor received incorrect order of scrambles | WesternChampionship2024 | Resolved | |
Competitor's scorecard went missing | AnsanSummer2024 | Resolved |
Showing entries 1 to 10 of 134 with per page