Square-1 scrambling
Kenneth Gustavsson (2008-10-27 23:37:38 +0000)
I think it is wery poorly described how to scramble a Square-1 at the [url=http://www.worldcubeassociation.org/regulations/scrambles/scramble_square1.htm?num=5&len=40:12us4on7]scramble page[/url:12us4on7]. It says absolutly nothing about notatiion or how to hold the puzzle.
Organising competitons it is a good thing to know how to scramble most puzzles, if you can't find anyone else you can at least do it yourself.
I tried several times to scramble my Sq-1 following the notation at the page but always failed, tried to do U as U' and/or D as D' but always the same, got into a position where the next following turn of the scramble was impossible to do. I looked at pages to confirm that my interpertation of the notation was correct and it seemed to be so but stil I failed.
Today I tried again with the usual result until I tried to hold the puzzle so I had a wide R side at the F-face instead of the thin side (I'm always using that for solving).
How should I know?
Claesson (2008-11-07 13:09:09 +0000)
Hm, the notation is described in the rules, isnt that enough? Dont all ppl solve it with the "wide R side at the F-face"?, atleast if your righthanded.
(hold like that)
Kenneth Gustavsson (2008-11-12 12:23:41 +0000)
Thank's Magnus.
That image should be at the scrambler page too.