National and continental records - different colors?
Pedro_S (2008-12-03 13:41:18 +0000)
Regarding the new feature just added, national and continental rankings at the profile, I think it would be good if they had different colors, making it easier to tell which is which just a suggestion...
StefanPochmann (2008-12-04 13:09:31 +0000)
They're already gray and black.
Pedro_S (2008-12-04 13:54:56 +0000)
[quote="StefanPochmann":2im9v9r7]They're already gray and black.[/quote:2im9v9r7]
oh...the 1s are all orange, so I got a bit confused
but now it has NR, CR and WR above, so it's more than good
Claesson (2008-12-12 09:44:47 +0000)
Could they also be clickable? So that i can click on my NR and see all ranking for my country in that event. That is, it should take me here: ... gle=Single