WCA ID hard to find
magicmania (2009-04-10 05:03:04 +0000)
I am Ilkyoo Choi, the organizer of the Carnegie Mellon Competitions. I have been getting several emails about competitors not knowing his/her WCA ID. I was able to tell the person's WCA ID by looking at the URL of his/her WCA page, but I guess non-technical people do not recognize this.
I remember the WCA ID being right next to the competitor's name, but I noticed that this field has disappeared. I think this should be restored..
Maybe I missed some post asserting to get rid of the WCA ID on each competitor's page?
Thank you, Ilkyoo Choi.
TMOY (2009-04-10 06:16:28 +0000)
You can find the WCA ID in the URL of the competitor's page.
grama (2009-04-10 14:12:38 +0000)
[quote="TMOY":2140jzey]You can find the WCA ID in the URL of the competitor's page.[/quote:2140jzey]
well, he said he did. but also stated that most people don't recognise the end of the URL as their ID, so maybe it should appear on some part of the person profile.
magicmania (2009-04-11 01:07:07 +0000)
[quote="TMOY":190qfo7s]You can find the WCA ID in the URL of the competitor's page.[/quote:190qfo7s]
Yes, [b:190qfo7s]I[/b:190qfo7s] can, but I am talking for [b:190qfo7s]non-technical people[/b:190qfo7s] here. People who don't really recognize URL's as a string of information and such..
Shelley (2009-06-12 03:49:52 +0000)
I agree. Not everyone knows what a URL is and I've also received a number of emails asking for help. Was there a compelling reason NOT to have the ID displayed on the personal results page?
Clement Gallet (2009-06-15 07:28:58 +0000)
No. I put it back.
Dave Campbell (2009-06-18 02:39:26 +0000)
Was removing the country of representation intentional?