Unofficial events in .CSV file?
MadsMohr (2010-04-23 05:54:47 +0000)
I would like to have the unofficial events included in the same .CSV file you can download from the WCA registration form.
MadsMohr (2011-02-04 13:54:43 +0000)
...Or an option to get a .CSV with all events.
Ron (2011-02-17 07:15:08 +0000)
Hi Mads,
I will think about this. Update the unofficial events is much harder than the official events. This is because the database, especially the Persons and Competitions table, is not shared.
We may consider posting these unofficial events into the WCA database. Then we need to show them on a page of unofficial events.
Any suggestions?
Have fun,
MadsMohr (2011-02-27 11:48:22 +0000)
Hi Ron,
I only wanted to have better tools for organizing competitions, in fact I don't think that WCA should post unofficial results. These events should just be what they are, good fun at the competition.
PS. Clément has already included the unofficial events in the .CSV file, in case someone was wondering about this