Using WCA's SQL export
Alberto (2010-10-24 21:09:14 +0000)
Hello. I'm a computer programming student. I downloaded the export of the WCA's database in SQL, just to do some practice.
My initial idea was importing the DB into Oracle, but I found that the syntax was incompatible. Then I tried with MySQL and phpMyAdmin, but the DB was too big, so I used BigDump to upload the DB in smaller pieces. Then I got another problem: the big extended inserts. I had to manually modify the SQL file and I finally succeeded.
I'm sure there must be an easier way to upload the database, without manually formating the file (doing this every week is a lot). Maybe somebody can help me out here?
Thanks a lot for your time.
BryanLogan (2010-10-25 02:29:43 +0000)
Use the MySQL command line to import the DB into MySQL.
Alberto (2010-10-25 14:31:22 +0000)
Thanks, Bryan. This is what I did, just in case someone has the same problem:
mysql> create database wca;
mysql> use wca;
mysql> source wca.sql;[/code:1n60tqgx]
Flo (2010-11-03 09:05:13 +0000)
"mysql db_name -u user_name -p < WCA_export.sql" should pretty much do it