Barby Cube 2023

Name Representing Total
Abdelhak Kaddour France 6
Achille Ovarlez--Jay France 4
Adrien Neveu France 12
Alexandre Mercier France 4
Alexis Tremellat France 8
Alwin Rölz Switzerland 13
Anael Champion France 6
Angelo Melera Switzerland 13
Annabelle Edieux France 5
Antony Frackowiak France 9
Armand Lemarinier France 3
Arthur Cambon France 13
Arthur Carraz-Billat France 3
Arthur Garcin France 4
Baptiste Hennuy France 12
Basile Chandon France 8
Brice Morel France 2
Cameron Lubin France 4
Didier Limal France 6
Diego Alfonso France 11
Diego Fraile France 9
Dimitri Wyss France 11
Doriane Robbe France 1
Ellana Vauthier France 9
Elouann Marfil France 4
Emrys Gaudin France 2
Enzo Bruder-Jeannot France 6
Enzo Effantin France 4
Enzo Gherardi France 2
Enzo Perriat France 5
Étienne Aubry France 13
Evan Gerbelot-Barillon France 2
Fabian Settelen Switzerland 15
Flavien Darney France 4
Florian Garcia France 4
Frederic Lubin France 2
Gabin Prud'homme France 3
Galaad Langlois France 5
Grégoire Gsell France 12
Hannah Minas Switzerland 15
Hippolyte Moreau France 15
Hugo Bonnel France 2
Hugo Lopes-Polge France 1
Idris Berghout France 11
Ilona Ansel France 11
Ioannis Papadopoulos Greece 9
Jean-Charles Tillit France 6
Jingqi Zhang China 9
Jonathan Dammann France 15
Jordan Crippa Italy 9
Jules Ballion France 4
Julien Gras France 7
Juliette Sébastien France 6
Justin Vinckenbosch Belgium 1
Konstantin Jaehne Germany 12
Lenny Cabanès France 1
Loïc Chandon France 4
Lucas Marty France 1
Luis Kleinheinz Germany 15
Luke Icart France 3
Mano Ségransan France 10
Manon Bernard France 2
Mathis Luc France 5
Mattia Pasquini Switzerland 13
Mayron Blain France 13
Mohamed Elkhatri Morocco 5
Nathan Bégel France 4
Nathan Priser France 6
Neel Roy Chowdhury Switzerland 2
Nicolas Gertner Kilian France 15
Nox Clémenceau France 13
Omar Kazi India 1
Oscar Sadoul France 5
Peter Grassard France 11
Philippe Bariod France 1
Quentin Rivault France 5
Rémi Perrin France 8
Reto Bubendorf Switzerland 15
Robin Jenny France 2
Romain Lebailly France 6
Romain Moreau France 7
Samuel Simko Slovakia 8
Sandro Mattenberger Switzerland 12
Sebastien Porteaud France 4
Sylvain Favier France 4
Tao Rose France 3
Theo Tollenaar Switzerland 3
Thomas Bourhis France 3
Tiago Eche France 9
Timothé Jacques France 1
Tino Faure-Brac Moreau France 1
Tobias Peter Switzerland 15
Valentin Tempere France 11
Virgile Perrot France 13
Wilfrid Py France 15
Yang Liu (刘洋) China 15
Yassine Mechaal France 3
0 first-timers + 97 returners = 97 people 10 regions 92 80 71 44 37 35 36 48 37 36 63 40 23 16 27
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