Barby Cube Autumn 2024

Name Representing Total
Abdelhak Kaddour France 8
Adam Hedin France 6
Alexandre Ducat France 5
Anatole Martha France 3
Angélique Besson France 4
Annabelle Edieux France 3
Anthony Da Silva Ladouce France 1
Antoine Jaurand France 5
Antoine Lagnier--Illes France 1
Anton Piau France 6
Armand Lemarinier France 3
Arsène Laffarre France 13
Arthur Carraz-Billat France 5
Baptist-Mouton France 6
Baptiste Beneteau France 9
Baptiste Bery France 7
Basile Brelot France 7
Basile Chandon France 12
Cem Tekin Turkey 3
Colline Meunier France 1
Didier Limal France 3
Diego Fraile France 8
Dimitri Wyss France 13
Dorian Prieto France 8
Eden Robinson-Rechavi Switzerland 8
Elouann Marfil France 11
Evan Bonneel France 5
Evan Pickering France 3
Fanny Pousset France 7
Florian Garcia France 3
Frederic Cherqui France 1
Gabin Thiery France 11
Hippolyte Moreau France 13
Iban Cherqui France 2
Idris Berghout France 12
Ilona Ansel France 12
Iulian Mustata France 8
Jingqi Zhang China 9
Jonathan Dammann France 13
Jules Beal France 3
Kavi Antoni France 10
Léni Decaux France 3
Lenny Cabanès France 2
Léo Combet France 11
Lilyn Ma France 7
Lisa Martel France 1
Lise Bertrand France 2
Loan Lavorel France 6
Louison Brelot France 3
Luke Icart France 3
Manon Bernard France 4
Manon Laporte France 3
Marianne Faure France 6
Maxime Gusta France 5
Nathan Bégel France 12
Nathan Priser France 9
Nicolas Bonneel France 3
Noé Bourdon France 12
Pierre Lafaye France 7
Quentin Sanchez France 11
Raphaël Chanteau France 9
Raphaël Talec France 4
Renzo Rampollini France 4
Romain Lebailly France 6
Romain Moreau France 7
Romain Stefan France 13
Romain Velcin France 13
Samuel Bibollet France 2
Samuel Dechaume-Moncharmont France 8
Samuel Jehanno France 13
Samuel Simko Slovakia 5
Sébastien Antoni France 4
Selen Gun Turkey 4
Sergi Canal Garcia Spain 4
Simon Mauss France 3
Téïva Ferrari France 5
Tiago Ferrari France 9
Timaël Cheron France 2
Tom Olivier France 9
Valentin Muesser France 11
Yen Ly France 1
Younes Bellil France 8
2 first-timers + 80 returners = 82 people 6 regions 80 68 53 32 23 18 19 45 39 32 59 37 20
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