Bucharest Cubing Days 2021

Registration requirements for the competition:

Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition below.
There is a competitor limit of 25 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is €4 (Euro).
Registration fees won't be refunded under any circumstance.
Registrants on the waiting list may be accepted onto the competitor list until .
We encourage everyone to register for the events they want to compete in via your online registration, however you may add events to your registration up until the event has started.
On the spot registrations will be accepted with a base registration fee of €4 (Euro).
Spectators can attend paying an entry fee of €10 (Euro).

Due to COVID-19 restrictions you need to do 3 steps to register for this competition.

1. Register on WCA competition page.

2. Check COVID-19 restrictions for you and your guest and see if you are eligible to participate.

Eligible competitors or guests are those who:
a) Are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 and have at least 10 days since they completed the vaccine scheme.
b) Can show a proof of their certified negative result PCR test, no older than 72 hours, 48 hours you the competitor will participate on sunday.
c) Can show a proof of their certified negative result of ANTIGEN RAPID TEST, no older than 24 hours. *** Two tests are necessary, one for saturday, one for sunday.
d) Can show a proof of their medical documents that confirmed they had SARS-CoV-2 and are in this perioad 15th - 90th from taking the virus. (ex. you take the virus on 8 July, you are confirmed on 8 july, you wait 15 days untile 23 july, is 24 july and now you can participate. / ex. you took the virus on 24 April, you waited 90 days untile 23 July, you cant participate at the competition on 24 July. / ex. you took the virus on 25 April, you can participate, on 24 July but will have to register with a,b or c option for 25 July.

3. Pay the registration + the guests fee

ONLINE in the bank account: Mihai Capatinescu - RO05 BREL 0005 5085 4166 0100
Write the name of the competitor in the comment box!
Registration cost:
A) 4 Euro (~20 Lei) for 3x3x3 Cube and 2x2x2 Cube.
B) 8 Euro (~ 40 Lei) for all the events that you want, if you pay until 11July 2021
C) 10 Euro (~ 50 Lei) for all the events that you want if you pay after 11 July 2021

You must write this text in the observations of the payment:
Entry fee
Competition's name: Bucharest Cubing Days 2021
Competitor's WCA ID: Write the WCA ID / First Timer
Competitor's Name: First name and family name
+ 10 euro/guest

OR CASH AT THE VENUE (ONLY for on-site registrations in the venue and if there are available spots):
Registration cost:
D) 4 Euro (~20Lei) for 3x3x3 Cube and 2x2x2 Cube.
E) 10 Euro (~ 50 Lei) for all the events that you want.
+ 10 euro/guest


The last date for competitors to make changes to their registered events is 10 minutes before starting the round.

Due to limited space and limited number of competitors and guests, this time the guests will have to pay like a competitor. The fee for each guest is 10 Euro (~ 50 Lei)/competition.
You will stay on the pending registration list until you finish all the 3 steps of registrations. After completing these 3 steps you will be accepted. **
**For any information about the competition please contact the organiser

You can add events to your registration until 10 minutes before the event by contacting the organizer.

If the competitor limit is reached, a waiting list will be setup and no on-site registration is possible. The deadline for being accepted if you are on the waiting list is July 23rd. After this, no additional registrations will be accepted, if the competitor limit was reached.

Registration closed over 3 years ago on .
Sign in to check the status of your registration. If you do not yet have a WCA account, you can create one here, but it is too late to register for this competition.
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