Bufanúvols Mini 2023
Registration requirements for the competition:
Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition below.
There is a competitor limit of 30 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is €10 (Euro).
Registration fees won't be refunded under any circumstance.
Registrants on the waiting list may be accepted onto the competitor list until .
We encourage everyone to register for the events they want to compete in via your online registration, however you may add events to your registration up until the event has started.
On the spot registrations will be accepted with a base registration fee of €5 (Euro).
Tan sols s'acceptaran registres in situ a la categoria de Cub 3x3x3.
Les inscripcions seran acceptades per rigorós ordre de pagament.
Si estàs a la llista d'espera, et recomanem realitzar el pagament de la inscripció. En cas que hi hagi una baixa d'última hora, acceptarem la següent inscripció pagada de la llista. Un cop es tanqui la llista definitiva de competidors, si la teva inscripció ha quedat fora de la llista d'inscrits, et reemborsarem el 100% de la inscripció.
Sólo se aceptarán registros in situ en la categoría de Cubo 3x3x3.
Las inscripciones serán aceptadas por riguroso orden de pago.
Si estás en la lista de espera, te recomendamos realizar el pago de la inscripción. En caso de que haya una baja de última hora, aceptaremos la siguiente inscripción pagada de la lista. Una vez se cierre la lista definitiva de competidores, si tu inscripción ha quedado fuera de la lista de inscritos, te reembolsaremos el 100% de la inscripción.
On the spot registrations will only be accepted in the 3x3x3 Cube event.
Registrations will be accepted by strict order of payment.
If you are on the waiting list, we recommend that you pay for registration. In the case of a last minute cancellation, we will accept the next paid registration from the list. Once the final list of competitors is closed, if your registration has been left out of the list of competitors, we will refund 100% of the registration.