Esprit Cube Open Bayonne 2023

Name Representing Total
Aaron Dufieux France 8
Alejandro Beato Gómez Spain 6
Alexandre Carlier France 6
Alexis Baptista Laborde France 1
Alicia Mathey France 3
Anton Piau France 10
Arthur Pons Perrot France 3
Axel Couvreux France 6
Axel Lavin France 5
Baptiste Hennuy France 11
Camille Chasseriaud France 2
Claude Arsicaud France 2
Clément Bergadieu France 5
Clément Valot France 9
Cyril Chapat France 7
Dany Bednarski Vernus France 2
Dorian Thomas France 3
Elodie Deconninck France 9
Enzo Perriat France 4
Ethan Fridberg-Labadie France 1
Florian Bernard France 9
Guilhem Puyfoulhoux France 4
Hugo Guillet France 10
Irene Urrutia Calvo Spain 4
Jacques Mateescu France 9
Jean-Charles Tillit France 7
Jeanne Aubry France 2
Joachim Azzi France 4
Joachim Point Laborde France 1
Jonathan Dammann France 11
Julen Bouchilloux Arrechea France 1
Jules Le Guern France 2
Léon Perez France 7
Luken Donné France 1
Maitane Careaga Blanco Spain 4
Manon Mokhtari-Lacoude France 1
Manu Dutheil France 11
Marc Ratsimahalo France 1
Mateo Mokhtari France 5
Maxim Dubernat France 9
Maxime Lefebvre France 6
Noam Verdaime France 5
Nolan Poirier France 4
Pablo Schmitt Vallejo France 8
Paco André France 2
Patrick Blackburn France 6
Philippe Virouleau France 7
Quentin Rivault France 5
Raphaël Stylianos France 1
Rubén López de Juan Spain 9
Sacha Hatier France 5
Thibault Vilbois France 11
Thierry Megard France 5
Thomas Cellé France 8
Timothy Hacherel France 1
Valentin Dufieux France 2
Wilfrid Py France 11
Xavier Hatier France 4
0 first-timers + 58 returners = 58 people 2 regions 57 46 34 23 13 33 21 32 25 15 7
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