Franconia Open 2018

Registration requirements for the competition:

Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition below.
There is a competitor limit of 85 competitors.
Registering for this competition is free.

There are no fees to pay in order to register. Just log in to your WCA-account, or create one if you haven't already, and register for the competiton.

Registered competitors have to reply to a confirmation email which will be sent out on July 1st. Failing to reply within one week will remove the competitor from the registration list, and allow the first person on the waiting list to take their spot.

Angemeldete Teilnehmer müssen auf eine Bestätigungs-Email antworten, die am 1.Juli verschickt wird. Wer sich nicht innerhalb von einer Woche meldet, wird von der Teilnehmerliste gestrichen und durch die/den erste/n auf der Warteliste ersetzt.

Registration closed about 6 years ago on .
Sign in to check the status of your registration. If you do not yet have a WCA account, you can create one here, but it is too late to register for this competition.
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