Jakarta Open 2019

Registration requirements for the competition:

Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition below.
There is a competitor limit of 200 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is Rp150,000 (Indonesian Rupiah).
Registration fees won't be refunded under any circumstance.
On the spot registrations will be accepted with a base registration fee of Rp200,000 (Indonesian Rupiah).

Registration Fee:
Early Bird: (until June 30, 2019)
Base Fee (3 events included): Rp 150.000
Additional Fee per Event: Rp 10.000
(Maximum: Rp 250.000)

Late Registration and On the Spot: (July 01-14, 2019)
Base Fee (3 events included): Rp 200.000
Additional Fee per Event: Rp 10.000
(Maximum Rp 300.000)

Base fee already include the fee for participating in 3 events of your choice, for every other event you participated will cause additional fee of Rp 10.000. The maximum fee for early bird registration is Rp 250.000 and for late registration and on the spot is Rp 300.000, regardless of the amount of event participated.

We also sells the competition t-shirt and will give a special 50% discounted price for all competitors (Rp 35.000).
Discount only applies to the first t-shirt for every competitor. The normal price for the t-shirt is Rp 70.000.
Size and design will be available at the "T-Shirt" tab.

Payment and Confirmation:
If you are not sure how much to pay, you can contact us to make sure you pay the right amount of money.
The fee can be paid to:
1. BCA 4770008234 a/n Gerson Natanael
2. Mandiri: 1-370-010-721716 a/n Cendy Cahyo Rahmat

After completing the payment, please confirm the payment by sending the reciept by Whatsapp to: +62 878-8863-3468 (Gerson) or +62 857-8014-4424 (Hafizh)
Format of payment confirmation: (name of competitor)-(amount of events you participate)-(amount transferred/paid)-(date of payment)-(name used for payment)-(size of the t-shirt if applicable)

For on the spot registration, please confirm by sending message by Whatsapp to: +62 878-8863-3468 (Gerson) or +62 857-8014-4424 (Hafizh)
Format for on the spot confirmation: (name)-(amonts of event you participate)-On The Spot

Once we recieved the confirmation, we will accept your registration as fast as possible.
The registration will only be accepted once you have completed the payment and/or confirmation; failing to do so will result in your registration not being considered and there will be no refund of your money in case the payment has been done but the confirmation has not been done.

Biaya Registrasi:
Early Bird: (hingga 30 Juni 2019)
Biaya dasar (termasuk 3 event): Rp 150.000
biaya tambahan per Event: Rp 10.000
(Maximum: Rp 250.000)

Late Registration and On the Spot: (July 01-14, 2019)
Biaya dasar (termasuk 3 event): Rp 200.000
biaya tambahan per Event: Rp 10.000
(Maximum Rp 300.000)

Biaya dasar sudah termasuk biaya untuk berpartisipasi pada 3 event yang Anda pilih, untuk setiap tambahan event yang diikuti akan dikenakan biaya tambahan sebesar Rp 10.000. Biaya registrasi maksimal untuk Early Bird adalah Rp 250.000 dan untuk Late Registration dan On The Spot adalah Rp 300.000, terlepas dari jumlah event yang diikuti.

Kami juga akan menjual kaos kompetisi dan akan memberikan potongan harga spesial sebanyak 50% untuk seluruh kompetitor (Rp 35.000).
Diskon hanya berlaku untuk kaos pertama bagi masing-masing kompetitor. Harga normal untuk kaos ini adalah Rp 70.000.
Ukuran dan desain akan tersedia pada tab "T-shirt/kaos"

Pembayaran dan Konfirmasi:
Apabila anda tidak yakin berapa yang harus anda bayar, Anda dapat mengontak kami untuk memastikan Anda membayar jumlah uang yang tepat.
Pembayaran dapat dilakukan ke:
1. BCA 4770008234 a/n Gerson Natanael
2. Mandiri: 1-370-010-721716 a/n Cendy Cahyo Rahmat

Setelah melakukan pembayaran, mohon melakukan konfirmasi pembayaran dengan mengirimkan bukti transfer dengan Whatsapp ke: +62 878-8863-3468 (Gerson) or +62 857-8014-4424 (Hafizh)
Format konfirmasi pembayaran: (nama kompetitor)-(jumlah event yang diikuti)-(jumlah uang yang ditransfer/dibayarkan)-(tanggal transfer)-(nama akun transfer)-(ukuran kaos jika membeli kaos)

Untuk registrasi on the spot, mohon konfirmasi dengan mengirimkan pesan ke: +62 878-8863-3468 (Gerson) or +62 857-8014-4424 (Hafizh)
Format untuk konfirmasi on the spot: (nama)-(jumlah event yang diikuti)-On The Spot

Setelah kami menerima konfirmasi, kami akan menerima registrasi online dengan segera.

Registrasi hanya akan diterima setelah Anda melakukan pembayaran dan/atau konfirmasi; gagal untuk melakukannya akan menyebabkan registrasi Anda tidak dianggap dan tidak ada pengembalian uang dalam kasus telah membayar tapi belum melakukan konfirmasi

Registration closed about 5 years ago on .
Sign in to check the status of your registration. If you do not yet have a WCA account, you can create one here, but it is too late to register for this competition.
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