Madiun Happy Cubing 2019

Registration requirements for the competition:

Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition below.
There is a competitor limit of 60 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is Rp70,000 (Indonesian Rupiah).
Registration fees won't be refunded under any circumstance.
On the spot registrations will be accepted with a base registration fee of Rp80,000 (Indonesian Rupiah).

For participants who have just joined the official competition for the first time, they must carry an identity card.

System and registration payment

i. Early bird system : (Pay the registration fee to BCA Bank account 1771755211 in the name of Fandy Ramadhan Ganefianto). Early bird period until 3 March 2019.

  • If competitors from Madiun Regional and joining event 3x3 only, registration fee is Rp.45.000
  • If competitors joining more events, registration fee is Rp.70.000

ii. On the spot system

  • If competitors from Madiun Regional and joining event 3x3 only, registration fee is Rp.50.000
  • If competitors joining more events, registration fee is Rp.80.000

: Registration procedures Madiun Happy Cubing 2019 :

  • Register in the WCA website
  • Pay the registration fee to BCA Bank account 1771755211 in the name of Fandy Ramadhan Ganefianto. Early bird period until 3 March 2019 or cash on delivery with one of contact person.
  • Send the proof of payment by email or WhatsApp to the organizer ( whatsapp : 082138554554 / email : b. Fauzan Rafi Amrullah ( whatsapp : 081230361479 /email :


untuk peserta yang baru pertama kali bergabung dengan kompetisi rubik WCA resmi, harus membawa kartu identitas.

Sistem dan Biaya Registrasi

i. Sistem early bird: (membayar ke rekening Bank BCA 1771755211 Atas Nama : Fandy Ramadhan Ganefianto)
periode early Bird sampai dengan tanggal 3 maret 2019

-JIka peserta berasal dari daerah madiun dan mengikuti event 3x3 saja maka peserta diperkenankan membayar Rp.45.000

-Jika peserta mengambil lebih dari 1 event maka peserta diperkenankan membayar Rp.70.000

ii. Sistem On The Spot(pembayaran dilakukan ditempat perlombaan

-Jika peserta berasal dari daerah madiun dan mengikuti event 3x3 saja maka peserta diperkenankan membayar Rp.50.000

-Jika peserta mengambil lebih dari 1 event maka peserta diperkenankan membayar Rp.80.000

Tata cara registrasi Madiun Happy Cubing 2019 :

  1. Mendaftar di website WCA
  2. Membayar biaya registrasi ke rekening Bank BCA 1771755211 ( Atas Nama : Fandy Ramadhan Ganefianto) atau bisa COD sesuai kesepakatan dengan salah satu contact person yang tertera .
  3. Kirim bukti pembayaran dengan mencantumkan nama lengkap peserta dan nama pemilik akun bank yang membayar ke salah satu contact peson yang tertera via whatsapp atau email sebagai tanda konfirmasi registrasi. Contact Person : a. Fandy Ramadhan Ganefianto ( whatsapp : 082138554554 / email : b. Fauzan Rafi Amrullah ( whatsapp : 081230361479 /email :


Registration closed almost 6 years ago on .
Sign in to check the status of your registration. If you do not yet have a WCA account, you can create one here, but it is too late to register for this competition.
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