Mexican Championship 2018
Registration requirements for the competition:
Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition below.
- Regístrate en el sitio web de la WCA
- Deposita la cuota de recuperación
- Manda tu comprobante de pago desde la web o al email
- Recibirás un correo con la confirmación, debes revisar que ya aparezcas en la pestaña de Competidores
Debido a los costos de la competencia, en caso de pedir la cancelación de tu inscripción sólo te devolveremos el 50%. La fecha límite para pedir la devolución de tu inscripción es el 20 de julio.
- Enter to the following link to register: WCA website
- Pay the registration fee
- Send your receipt from the website or email
- You will receive a confirmation email, you need to check that your name appears in the competitors list: Competitors
Because of the competition costs, in case you ask for a refund and cancellation of your register, we can only refund you 50% of the registration fee. The deadline for asking for your reufund is July 20.