Østerhøj Open 2018

Registration requirements for the competition:

Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition below.
There is a competitor limit of 50 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is 50 kr. (Danish Krone).

Det er ikke muligt at deltage, hvis man ikke er tilmeldt!
Muligheden for at tilmelde sig lukker den 13. marts kl 23:59, eller når deltagergrænsen er fyldt op!
Følg punkterne herunder for at blive accepteret:

  • Du skal først oprette en WCA profil
  • Tilmeld dig selve konkurrencen her på siden
  • Du vil nu modtage en email, på emailadressen tilknyttet til din WCA profil.
  • Du skal nu betale registreringsgebyret. Det bliver gjort her på den samme side på WCA, ved hjælp af Stripe.
  • Du har nu gennemført alle trin, nu er det bare at vente! Det vil tage maksimum 48 timer for at blive accepteret (men ofteste meget kortere). Hvis der går mere end 48 timer, og du stadig ikke ser dit navn under tilmeldte deltagere, så skriv en mail til en af arrangørerne.

Hvis du ikke følger alle de her punkter, vil din tilmelding ikke blive accepteret.
Hvis du ikke længere kan komme, så vær sød og skriv en mail til os, og fortæl at du ikke længere kan komme, så kan en anden få din plads! Det tager ikke mere end to minutter! Hvis du ikke kan komme, og afmelder dig før end registreringen lukker refunderer vi din betaling.
Husk at tjekke din email, der vil blive sendt en email kort før konkurrencen finder sted. Der vil være noget yderlige information om hvad der kommer til at finde sted under konkurrencen

It is not possible to participate if you are not registered!
The opportunity to register closes on March 13th at 23:59, or when the participant's limit is full!
Follow the following points to be accepted:

  • You must first create a WCA profile
  • Sign up for the competition on this page
  • You will now receive an email at the email address linked to your WCA profile.
  • You must now pay the registration fee. It will be done here on the same page on WCA, using Stripe.
  • You have now completed all steps, just wait! It will take up to 48 hours to be accepted (but often much shorter). If it takes longer and you still do not see your name under registered participants, please write an email to one of the organizers.

If you do not follow these steps, your registration will not be accepted.
If you no longer can participate, please write an email to us and tell you that you can no longer come, so someone else can take your place! It takes no more than two minutes! If you can not come and tell us before registration is closed, we will refund your payment.
Remember to check your email. We will send additional information about what will take place during the competition.

Sign in to check the status of your registration. If you do not yet have a WCA account, you can create one here, but it is too late to register for this competition.
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