PSKG Premiere Cubing 2020
Registration requirements for the competition:
Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition below.
There is a competitor limit of 150 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is Rp70,000 (Indonesian Rupiah).
Registration fees won't be refunded under any circumstance.
No on the spot registrations will be accepted.
Spectators can attend paying an entry fee of Rp10,000 (Indonesian Rupiah).
Registration Fee:
Base Fee: Rp 70.000
Additional per Event : Rp10.000
Payment and Confirmation:
The registration fee can be paid via transfer to BCA 6310379024 (Ribka Litantra). Confirm the registration by sending the proof of transfer to 087881107733 (Mylo) or 087888633468 (Gerson) along with name of competitor, and the number of events competed. Your registration will be approved and considered complete after you both pay the registration fee and confirm the registration. No On The Spot Registration Allowed
Biaya Registrasi:
Biaya Dasar: Rp 70.000
Biaya Tambahan per Event: Rp 10.000
Pembayaran dan Konfirmasi
Biaya registrasi dapat dibayar melalui transfer ke BCA 6310379024 (Ribka Litantra). Konfirmasi registrasi dengan mengirimkan bukti transfer ke 087881107733 (Mylo) atau 087888633468 (Gerson) beserta nama peserta, dan jumlah event yang diperlombakan. Registrasi anda akan diterima dan dianggap selesai setelah anda membayar biaya registrasi dan mengkonfirmasi registrasi. On The Spot Registration Tidak Diperbolehkan