Please Be Quiet Tokyo 2019
Registration requirements for the competition:
Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition below.
There is a competitor limit of 48 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is ¥3,000 (Japanese Yen).
Registration fees won't be refunded under any circumstance.
No on the spot registrations will be accepted.
・3x3x3 最少手数競技(28名)
・4x4x4 目隠し(20名)
・5x5x5 目隠し(20名)
・3x3x3 複数目隠し(20名)
● 参加費の支払い
●We have only 1 round events for
* 3x3x3 fewest moves (28 competitors)
* 4x4x4 blindfolded (20 competitors)
* 5x5x5 blindfolded (20 competitors)
* 3x3x3 multiple blindfolded (20 competitors)
as its events. No speedsolving events or 3x3x3 blindfolded!
No qualification required for entry.
(No matter how old or what gender, nationality is)
We are also welcome to newcomers but take care of the time limits.
●How to register
First sign up for the WCA website from the menu on the upper-right of this page.
Then register for the competition from the Registration page of the competition.
●Entry fee payment
Entry fee is 3000 JPY regardless the number of events.
Please Pay at the reception desk.