San Marcos SB Open 2018

Registration requirements for the competition:

Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition below.
There is a competitor limit of 60 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is L200 (Honduran Lempira).

Para completar el registro exitosamente al torneo San Marcos SB Open 2018 deberá completar os siguientes pasos:
* En caso de no contar con una cuenta de la WCA deberá registrarse, cual posterior mente tendrá acceso al registro.
* Registrarse a as categorías en las cuales participara.
* Para finalizar la inscripción deberá depositar el monto total a la cuenta de Banco BAC 723081861 a nombre de Dorian Ernesto Rosales en caso de ser competidores nacionales. Las personas que vienen de otro país, pueden cancelar a travez de Paypal a

Ultimo paso enviar al correo con el asunto:Torneo San Marcos Lo siguientes datos:
-Fecha de nacimiento:
-Categorías registradas:
-Foto de la boleta de depósito adjunta.

Esperar confirmación de 1 a 3 días y verificar hasta que el registro aparezca en el listado de la WCA.
Al no aparecer en el listado. favor enviar el correo nuevamente o contactar a cualquiera de los organizadores.

Gracias por formar parte de San Marcos SB Open 2018

To complete the successful registration to the tournament ** San Marcos SB Open 2018 ** you must complete the following steps:
* If you do not have a WCA account you must register, which will later give you access to the registry.
* Register to the competition to the categories in which you will participate.
* To complete the registration you must deposit the total amount to the account of Banco BAC 723081861 in the name of Dorian Ernesto Rosales in case of national competitors, people who come from another country can cancel through Paypal to DRosalesRodriguez

Last step send an email to with the subject: San Marcos Tournament The following information:
-Full name:
-Categories registered:
-Photo of the deposit slip.

Wait for confirmation of 1 to 3 days and check until the record appears on the WCA list.
If you do not appear in the list, please send e-mail again or contact one of the organizers.

** Thank you for being part of San Marcos SB Open 2018 **

Registration closed about 6 years ago on .
Sign in to check the status of your registration. If you do not yet have a WCA account, you can create one here, but it is too late to register for this competition.
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