Xela Open 2019

Registration requirements for the competition:

Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition below.
There is a competitor limit of 100 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is Q50 (Guatemalan Quetzal).
Registration fees won't be refunded under any circumstance.
On the spot registrations will be accepted with a base registration fee of Q50 (Guatemalan Quetzal).


Cuota de inscripción: Q 50,00 base para participar en la categoría 3x3 y Q 10 00 por categoría extra

El pago de la inscripción debe hacerse a la Cuenta no. 3313021062 de Banrural y
seguidamente enviar a ¨rubiksxela@gmail.com¨ indicando los datos de la persona inscrita asi como las
categorías a participar, también se debe enviar la Talla de Playera.

Para registrarse, debe continuar con los dos pasos que se Indican en los requisitos de inscripción: Inscripción en línea y pago de participación.

No se aceptarán Inscripciones y/o cambios en las categorías fuera de tiempo


Registration Fee Q 50 00 basis to participate in the 3x3 category and Q 10 00 per extra category

The payment of the inscription must be made to the Account no. 3313021062 Banrural and
then send it to ¨rubiksxela@gmailcom¨ indicating the data of the person registered as well as the events to
participate, you must also send the T-shirt Size.

To be registered, you must proceed with the two steps indicated in the registration requirements. Online registration and participation payment.

We won't accept changes or registrations after the stipulated time.

Registration closed over 5 years ago on .
Sign in to check the status of your registration. If you do not yet have a WCA account, you can create one here, but it is too late to register for this competition.
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