Son Seul-Gi

Completed Solves
Republic of Korea 2006SEUL01 Female 8 250

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 369 6518 18192 10.21 13.56 25517 9531 525
2x2x2 Cube 608 11420 40595 3.96 5.78 38595 11633 656
4x4x4 Cube 469 8036 23599 57.52 1:03.51 21762 7488 450
5x5x5 Cube 397 6089 20480 2:17.36 2:36.90 19078 5645 399
7x7x7 Cube 181 2482 8973 6:47.80 6:56.49 7181 2091 170
3x3x3 One-Handed 313 7021 18797 23.57 28.32 17678 6752 316
Megaminx 96 1468 5370 1:16.78 1:21.05 4496 1246 82
Pyraminx 138 3664 13631 4.94 7.94 14351 4121 176

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
6 5 4

Record Collection

1 5
3x3x3 Cube
Korea Cube Championship 2010 Final 7 12.94 15.67 13.9617.8012.9417.0516.00
First round 5 14.47 14.85 15.0840.3314.4714.7814.68
Korea Cube Championship 2009 Final 3 10.21 NR 13.56 10.2112.6814.6513.3614.65
Second round 6 13.27 15.05 13.2719.4717.4714.0213.66
First round 4 13.40 14.77 13.4016.0814.5813.6516.59
Busan Cube Championship 2008 Final 2 11.78 14.77 16.5814.3113.4318.2711.78
First round 2 14.15 15.66 15.0614.1516.5015.4117.28
Cheonan Cube Championship 2008 Final 4 14.33 15.37 14.8414.3315.7815.8415.50
First round 4 14.18 15.46 16.3016.0014.1816.1814.21
KCA Korea Open 2008 Final 5 12.16 15.70 17.4716.3115.9412.1614.86
First round 9 15.43 16.65 15.4316.1617.5217.4716.33
KCRC Busan competition 2007 Final 4 12.43 15.11 19.0214.9313.6816.7112.43
First round 5 14.59 16.17 16.5317.3614.6314.5919.27
KCRC Championship 2007 Second round 9 15.81 18.32 17.4415.8118.8418.6919.15
First round 9 17.16 17.9617.16
Korean Championship 2006 First round 6 18.73 23.17 23.7424.4821.3025.3118.73

History of Continental Records

Single Average Competition Round Solves
1:36.09 Busan Cube Championship 2008 Final

History of National Records

Single Average Competition Round Solves
3x3x3 Cube
10.21 Korea Cube Championship 2009 Final
1:16.78 1:21.05 Korea Cube Championship 2010 Final 1:16.781:25.331:21.03
1:21.83 1:28.55 Korea Cube Championship 2009 Final 1:30.631:21.831:33.18

National Championship Podiums

Event Place Single Average Solves
Korea Cube Championship 2010
Megaminx 1 1:16.78 1:21.05 1:16.781:25.331:21.03
Korea Cube Championship 2009
3x3x3 Cube 3 10.21 13.56 10.2112.6814.6513.3614.65
4x4x4 Cube 3 57.52 1:03.51 1:00.8657.521:07.331:02.501:07.18
Megaminx 1 1:21.83 1:28.55 1:30.631:21.831:33.18
Pyraminx 2 4.94 8.60 8.3810.0510.777.384.94
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