Kyoungmin Choi (최경민)

Completed Solves
Republic of Korea 2007KYOU01 Male 7 157

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 718 13262 36119 12.47 14.69 33399 12498 680
2x2x2 Cube 205 3729 14702 2.59 3.69 8215 2158 146
4x4x4 Cube 602 10287 30992 1:06.77 1:23.06 33456 10685 679
3x3x3 Blindfolded 164 3020 9267 6:24.84
3x3x3 One-Handed 401 8850 24028 26.65 34.76 26314 9718 463

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
3 1 2

Record Collection

2 4
3x3x3 Cube
Korea Cube Championship 2009 Final 7 14.79 16.08 15.1814.7919.1215.1717.90
Second round 8 12.81 15.57 15.3115.9312.8116.3415.46
First round 8 13.38 15.76 13.3817.6915.4314.1522.90
Seoul Cube Championship 2008 Final 3 13.86 14.69 14.6115.8015.0813.8614.38
First round 8 14.56 15.96 16.9316.2514.6917.7814.56
Suwon Cube Championship 2008 Final 3 14.55 15.65 17.9414.8317.5614.5514.55
First round 7 15.90 17.0615.90
Cheonan Cube Championship 2008 Final 8 14.15 16.50 14.1516.8115.9417.0616.75
First round 11 12.47 16.94 12.47DNF18.8016.1515.88
KCA Korea Open 2008 First round 14 14.88 17.70 14.8819.5016.8020.5916.81
KCRC Busan competition 2007 Final 9 16.97 17.77 16.9717.1817.0935.6119.03
First round 12 16.93 18.89 20.4321.5317.4316.9318.81
KCRC Championship 2007 Second round 7 14.91 17.47 18.2723.3017.3414.9116.80
First round 7 16.47 25.9716.47

History of Continental Records

Single Average Competition Round Solves
2x2x2 Cube
3.69 Suwon Cube Championship 2008 Final 5.403.532.694.862.59
5.48 KCRC Championship 2007 Final 5.715.665.068.974.83

History of National Records

Single Average Competition Round Solves
2x2x2 Cube
2.59 Suwon Cube Championship 2008 Final
2.88 Cheonan Cube Championship 2008 Final
3.38 4.41 Cheonan Cube Championship 2008 First round 4.814.414.005.313.38
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