Ben Hess

Completed Solves
United States 2008HESS01 Male 13 159

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 5816 7706 30247 11.77 15.13 36583 9246 6970
2x2x2 Cube 20485 26848 93727 6.80 8.70 83567 23867 18212
4x4x4 Cube 12512 16532 57784 1:56.75
5x5x5 Cube 7870 10344 34601 6:14.69
3x3x3 Blindfolded 1636 2194 9612 7:04.76
3x3x3 One-Handed 10476 14103 52556 57.59
3x3x3 Cube
Caltech Fall 2011 Second round 14 13.21 15.13 13.2116.2816.2113.3615.81
First round 15 14.50 15.63 14.6615.9614.5016.6816.28
Caltech Prefrosh 2011 Final 9 12.55 17.29 15.8426.8618.8317.1912.55
First round 10 15.03 16.01 15.2616.0619.0016.7215.03
Caltech Winter 2011 Second round 15 13.90 16.03 20.4013.9015.4315.9016.75
First round 14 14.33 15.85 15.9316.3014.3318.1615.31
Caltech Fall 2010 Second round 12 11.77 15.78 17.0411.7715.4116.2815.64
First round 14 15.28 17.77 18.3815.2818.2516.6818.53
Marymount Open 2010 Second round 10 14.71 17.01 17.8118.1114.7116.3316.88
First round 11 13.84 17.40 17.6817.5017.0318.0213.84
Nisei Week Open 2010 Final 12 13.00 17.37 15.0917.3419.6913.0020.63
First round 9 13.15 16.88 14.1818.7117.7518.8713.15
San Diego Open 2010 Second round 14 14.40 17.44 19.4418.4114.4017.0216.88
First round 15 14.71 18.25 14.7120.1818.9117.5618.28
Caltech Winter 2010 Second round 13 15.68 17.11 17.7515.9619.4115.6817.63
First round 17 12.76 19.21 20.5219.4617.6612.76DNF
Discovery Science Center Winter 2009 First round 9 15.65 17.99 15.6518.9618.8016.2122.05
Caltech Fall competition 2009 Second round 16 18.19 20.03 18.4722.9321.5920.0318.19
First round 21 16.16 21.45 20.7716.1631.3119.4424.13
Discovery Science Center competition 2009 Second round 18 19.18 20.60 21.7120.2520.3421.2219.18
First round 19 17.94 22.57 23.1021.7823.5322.8217.94
Caltech Fall 2008 First round 73 21.18 DNF 23.2124.96DNF21.18DNF
Discovery Science Center competition 2008 Final 24 24.79 27.22 27.2326.4028.0224.7933.37
First round 31 23.54 28.72 28.7631.3229.8623.5427.55
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