Mark Angelo Reyes

Completed Solves
Philippines 2008REYE04 Male 6 209

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1573 16105 43767 13.36 16.91 49338 18336 1814
2x2x2 Cube 1700 19006 64650 5.13 8.33 79009 23725 2191
4x4x4 Cube 1111 11804 36286 1:14.21 1:21.98 32939 10545 1037
5x5x5 Cube 469 5152 16672 1:59.55 2:09.12 15439 4773 437
6x6x6 Cube 182 2460 8927 3:53.96 4:45.33 9159 2515 178
7x7x7 Cube 177 2381 8489 6:29.34 6:41.05 7026 2042 130
3x3x3 Blindfolded 104 1372 4063 2:21.28
3x3x3 One-Handed 1470 13957 39744 38.21 44.63 36554 12872 1392
Megaminx 354 4049 16055 2:19.75 2:33.43 13891 3558 312
Pyraminx 934 11036 41649 8.22 13.77 54151 14640 1263
Square-1 264 3574 16488 50.88 1:10.00 14897 3309 237

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
2 2 2
3x3x3 Cube
Philippines Rubik's Cube Open 2010 First round 17 15.68 17.29 15.6816.0624.6817.9317.88
Philippines Open 2009 Second round 15 16.33 18.64 18.1616.8020.9616.3326.41
First round 7 13.36 16.91 19.1314.8313.3616.7822.25
Bulacan Open 2009 Second round 9 13.68 19.12 13.6820.2125.3016.7820.38
First round 8 16.08 17.50 18.6316.0817.3322.0816.53
Rizal Open 2009 Second round 22 18.36 20.89 19.3626.6920.4618.3622.84
First round 30 18.34 24.57 21.21DNF25.1327.3618.34
Philippines Open 2008 First round 61 21.96 21.9623.8322.72
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