Matt Rudnicki

Completed Solves
United States 2008RUDN01 Male 4 92

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 10811 14387 56266 14.84 18.85 62688 15962 11934
2x2x2 Cube 30786 40125 139294 12.94 13.58 119862 34597 26491
4x4x4 Cube 8637 11590 42665 1:24.52 1:27.51 35375 9620 7237
5x5x5 Cube 3970 5326 19286 2:11.63 2:15.05 16415 4579 3433
7x7x7 Cube 2265 3030 10122 7:52.28 8:03.57 7661 2208 1647
3x3x3 One-Handed 12103 16193 58794 1:18.90 1:31.62 48246 12951 9565
Clock 1859 2268 7557 11.41 11.50 5278 1599 1315

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
0 1 2
3x3x3 Cube
Motor City Open 2009 Second round 12 15.88 18.91 20.8124.4319.1515.8816.77
First round 14 15.36 21.40 26.8317.9125.4720.8315.36
US Nationals and Open 2008 First round 39 15.65 18.85 21.3819.6618.6515.6518.25
Qualification round 4 14.84 14.8437.5318.81
Cincinnati Spring Open 2008 Final 7 16.72 20.31 18.7722.2716.7223.7119.90
First round 7 17.52 19.49 17.5217.9119.8321.2720.72
Chattahoochee Spring competition 2008 Final 7 19.04 22.52 24.5719.8619.0425.9023.14
Second round 9 19.47 23.80 19.4723.5330.6424.5823.28
First round 11 21.57 26.5121.5724.54

National Championship Podiums

Event Place Single Average Solves
US Nationals and Open 2008
Clock 1 11.41 11.50 11.4111.6811.41
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