James Sangil

Completed Solves
Philippines 2008SANG03 Male 4 193

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1663 16901 45926 13.61 17.31 52275 19425 1908
2x2x2 Cube 1468 16178 55511 4.68 5.50 33631 10064 902
4x4x4 Cube 818 8618 25464 59.75 1:09.39 25815 8635 834
5x5x5 Cube 334 3582 11082 1:37.69 1:49.75 11357 3656 331
6x6x6 Cube 221 3042 11800 5:03.19 5:03.96 9477 2590 182
7x7x7 Cube 182 2446 8831 6:42.05 6:58.90 7215 2098 133
3x3x3 One-Handed 1188 11231 31151 31.22 36.77 28697 10482 1089
Megaminx 245 2943 10945 1:47.09 2:07.97 11567 3060 256
Pyraminx 951 11271 42552 8.31 9.35 22497 6321 493
Square-1 174 2351 10505 30.12 38.46 9801 2215 158

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
3 4 5

Record Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Philippines Open 2009 Second round 16 17.08 19.36 19.9623.3419.0517.0819.06
First round 13 14.65 18.19 18.0520.6114.6519.8016.72
Rizal Open 2009 Second round 16 19.18 19.71 19.1819.3319.6820.4420.13
First round 15 18.52 19.27 26.0018.8119.6518.5219.36
Thailand Open 2009 Second round 22 13.61 18.50 18.9120.2113.6121.6516.38
First round 15 15.18 17.31 15.1816.8318.5517.1317.97
Philippines Open 2008 Second round 23 16.21 18.89 16.2119.7820.9718.8418.05
First round 48 20.83 23.8820.8323.06

History of National Records

Single Average Competition Round Solves
5x5x5 Cube
1:37.69 Rizal Open 2009 First round
1:49.75 Thailand Open 2009 Final 1:46.221:49.941:48.612:03.001:50.71
58.70 Thailand Open 2009 Final 40.1657.181:10.7759.4059.52
1.18 1.27 Rizal Open 2009 Final 1.192.311.281.331.18
1.25 Thailand Open 2009 Final
Master Magic
5.21 Philippines Open 2009 Final 4.446.565.804.405.38

National Championship Podiums

Event Place Single Average Solves
Philippines Open 2009
2x2x2 Cube 1 4.68 5.50 6.474.715.865.934.68
5x5x5 Cube 3 1:43.50 1:53.23 1:55.912:03.861:43.501:53.931:49.84
Pyraminx 2 8.31 9.35 10.5217.838.598.318.93
Master Magic 1 4.40 5.21 4.446.565.804.405.38
Philippines Open 2008
Pyraminx 3 11.91 14.95 13.9311.9114.3818.9316.53
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