Ge Song (宋鸽)

Completed Solves
China 2008SONG01 Male 11 407

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 6991 20733 56881 14.91 17.05 50387 18722 6403
2x2x2 Cube 5587 18151 62004 5.00 6.58 52608 15930 5070
4x4x4 Cube 3954 11882 36607 1:14.72 1:26.57 35036 11092 3451
5x5x5 Cube 1767 5341 17528 2:03.56 2:13.52 16190 4946 1598
6x6x6 Cube 1030 3070 12052 5:13.34 5:36.27 9795 2667 897
7x7x7 Cube 919 2460 8909 6:45.83 8:19.93 7706 2233 823
3x3x3 Fewest Moves 699 2127 7796 48
3x3x3 One-Handed 3738 11503 31986 31.78 43.89 35929 12690 3881
Clock 112 437 1984 6.40 7.95 2040 451 114
Megaminx 1381 5069 21774 3:04.59 3:38.98 16275 4105 1127
Pyraminx 1370 4131 15455 5.21 9.60 24136 6741 2355
Square-1 462 1681 7385 23.31 31.16 7217 1681 484

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
9 4 8

Record Collection

1 9
3x3x3 Cube
Alpha Cube BUAA Open 2010 First round 61 18.18 23.19 37.1828.5520.1320.8818.18
Beijing Winter 2009 Second round 16 16.94 19.39 17.8322.8016.9421.1919.15
First round 19 17.65 20.03 22.6918.2822.8017.6519.11
Harbin Open 2009 Final 8 14.91 18.93 14.9123.3117.6919.8019.30
Second round 9 18.43 18.85 19.1318.4619.1318.4318.97
First round 7 15.52 17.05 17.5317.3416.2815.5227.16
Beijing Summer Open 2009 First round 38 16.41 20.30 22.9119.0516.4120.1521.71
Duanwu Festival Open 2009 Final 13 16.19 20.94 24.5020.4018.3024.1116.19
Second round 17 17.50 22.19 17.5025.2821.9319.9424.69
First round 15 19.15 21.07 19.1521.8423.4322.1619.21
Beijing Metropolis Open 2009 Second round 28 18.15 22.34 22.3323.5321.1523.9718.15
First round 32 15.41 21.48 15.4124.4721.8120.9121.71
Shijiazhuang Open 2009 Final 9 19.53 20.98 21.5019.5321.4121.1820.34
Second round 9 18.96 21.22 21.9021.5818.9622.0020.19
First round 10 17.75 21.00 22.8321.5018.6823.5817.75
Beijing Fall Open 2008 First round 47 23.30 36.70 23.30DNF37.4335.5537.13

History of Continental Records

Single Average Competition Round Solves
1.08 Beijing Metropolis Open 2009 Final

History of National Records

Single Average Competition Round Solves
6.40 7.95 Beijing No Cubes 2010 Final 7.688.227.9610.306.40
8.35 Beijing No Cubes 2010 First round 8.727.468.589.407.75
7.41 8.63 Beijing Side Events Supplement 2010 Final 8.158.838.917.419.11
8.94 10.53 Beijing Winter 2009 Final 10.509.7811.318.94DNF
6.84 Beijing Summer Open 2009 Final
0.95 Beijing Summer Open 2009 Final 0.940.971.020.940.91
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