Pang Pak Hin (彭栢軒)

Completed Solves
Hong Kong, China 2009HINP01 Male 4 217

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 192 8808 24348 11.06 12.82 20688 7691 169
2x2x2 Cube 209 9667 34891 3.68 4.86 22974 6677 163
4x4x4 Cube 93 4046 11607 44.36 49.58 10525 3738 83
5x5x5 Cube 45 1581 4637 1:14.93 1:23.40 4652 1589 44
6x6x6 Cube 36 1179 3802 2:37.16 2:39.48 3194 998 31
7x7x7 Cube 28 1022 3177 3:57.83 4:43.35 4282 1339 37
3x3x3 One-Handed 178 9429 25688 27.65 30.97 21357 8099 163
Clock 101 4053 18105 24.71
Megaminx 71 2917 10782 1:46.18 1:57.26 10326 2785 62
Pyraminx 308 22720 85830 13.93 21.61 90646 24243 318
Square-1 74 2969 13520 38.43 50.43 12786 2842 72

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
3 4 2

Record Collection

1 7
3x3x3 Cube
Hong Kong Open 2010 Final 5 11.06 12.83 15.5311.0614.5312.0611.91
Second round 4 11.33 12.82 11.3314.3817.5612.6511.44
First round 12 11.31 14.10 14.8414.9113.1614.3111.31
Hong Kong Cube Day 2010 Final 5 11.90 14.66 13.6515.9411.9014.4017.47
First round 5 12.44 14.34 12.6115.8614.6115.8112.44
Hong Kong Open 2009 Second round 34 17.05 DNF DNF17.8319.1517.05DNF
First round 33 17.30 18.69 18.6117.5521.0817.3019.90

History of Continental Records

Single Average Competition Round Solves
6x6x6 Cube
2:39.48 Guangzhou Big Cubes Competition 2010 Final 2:39.902:37.162:41.38

History of National Records

Single Average Competition Round Solves
4x4x4 Cube
49.58 Hong Kong Open 2010 Final 50.881:00.9746.3145.0351.56
50.22 Guangzhou Big Cubes Competition 2010 Final 49.0659.7848.8051.0050.61
5x5x5 Cube
1:14.93 Guangzhou Big Cubes Competition 2010 Final
1:23.40 Guangzhou Big Cubes Competition 2010 First round 1:23.941:25.681:29.111:19.721:20.59
1:27.32 Hong Kong Cube Day 2010 First round 1:33.861:23.441:32.411:20.461:26.11
6x6x6 Cube
2:37.16 Guangzhou Big Cubes Competition 2010 Final
7x7x7 Cube
3:57.83 Guangzhou Big Cubes Competition 2010 Final

National Championship Podiums

Event Place Single Average Solves
Hong Kong Open 2010
3x3x3 Cube 2 11.06 12.83 15.5311.0614.5312.0611.91
4x4x4 Cube 1 45.03 49.58 50.881:00.9746.3145.0351.56
5x5x5 Cube 1 1:18.46 1:29.10 1:34.441:35.061:30.931:21.941:18.46
Megaminx 3 1:46.18 1:57.26 1:58.301:51.902:07.561:46.182:01.58
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