Daniel Mucklow

Completed Solves
United Kingdom 2009MUCK01 Male 7 368

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 444 4409 16753 10.01 11.56 13398 3504 367
2x2x2 Cube 156 1612 4249 1.69 3.31 5334 1799 193
4x4x4 Cube 186 1964 6826 38.79 48.76 9853 2779 261
5x5x5 Cube 175 1627 5490 1:18.28 1:28.95 5981 1747 184
6x6x6 Cube 341 3295 10359 4:23.47 4:54.99 9354 2935 310
7x7x7 Cube 375 3775 11285 10:17.00
3x3x3 One-Handed 582 6318 24362 26.86 31.32 21839 5578 516
Clock 516 4195 11822 15.52 19.07 11542 4073 517
Megaminx 106 942 3028 1:03.08 1:11.54 3103 962 105
Pyraminx 1064 11266 34650 7.47 12.37 44031 13931 1397
Square-1 403 3892 11781 33.18 38.75 9875 3214 351

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
2 2 2

Record Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Glasgow Spring 2024 Final 31 10.60 12.62 10.6015.3412.2913.3612.20
Second round 48 12.86 15.14 14.2716.4012.8614.7516.51
First round 35 11.81 13.62 13.4911.8115.4312.2715.09
Guildford Open 2017 Final 24 11.73 12.81 12.1411.7313.1614.9413.13
Second round 29 10.01 12.73 12.0012.4813.7218.5510.01
First round 14 10.35 11.56 12.5611.4910.6217.0110.35
UK Open 2011 Second round 12 12.61 14.15 15.3414.5613.8112.6114.09
First round 13 13.93 15.42 13.9315.4616.9415.0815.71
Guildford Summer Open 2011 Final 9 15.02 16.95 15.6819.1519.1616.0215.02
Second round 10 12.68 15.63 19.1120.0512.9712.6814.82
First round 9 12.78 14.42 16.5512.7814.0313.7215.52
Bristol Spring 2010 Final 16 17.44 19.69 26.9419.3617.4422.0617.65
Second round 19 14.97 20.42 19.2714.9721.6320.3622.84
First round 18 17.31 20.73 20.4123.0923.4717.3118.69
Bristol Open 2009 Final 14 19.69 20.75 20.0219.69DNF21.6520.58
Second round 17 20.30 23.09 23.2522.4327.7520.3023.58
First round 15 17.94 20.81 34.4721.5218.2517.9422.66

History of National Records

Single Average Competition Round Solves
1:35.38 1:46.30 Bristol Spring 2010 Final 1:54.091:35.381:49.44
Master Magic
2.21 2.59 Guildford Summer Open 2011 Final 3.032.332.412.214.43

National Championship Podiums

Event Place Single Average Solves
UK Open 2011
2x2x2 Cube 2 2.68 3.48 3.642.683.133.685.88
Megaminx 2 1:21.86 1:27.61 1:21.861:24.771:31.131:26.931:51.48
Magic 3 1.66 1.72 1.691.831.721.751.66
Master Magic 1 2.47 2.72 2.752.652.473.312.77
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