Thomas Simonis

Completed Solves
Germany 2009SIMO01 Male 4 89

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 2177 32963 135711 26.66 31.50 132029 32077 2138
2x2x2 Cube 1515 24987 90430 6.58 8.05 75295 20893 1279
4x4x4 Cube 1542 20505 68332 2:45.15
3x3x3 One-Handed 911 12921 48315 49.03 1:04.52 45444 11961 896
Megaminx 552 8449 25812 3:57.34
Pyraminx 830 15145 47655 8.84 14.43 58500 18102 971
Square-1 340 5445 16437 50.66 55.00 13508 4389 272
3x3x3 Cube
Munich Open 2012 First round 60 26.66 31.50 51.1928.5026.6633.3132.70
Munich Open 2010 First round 76 27.71 32.18 35.8430.3330.3643.2127.71
German Nationals 2009 First round 53 29.97 32.71 29.9730.0630.9337.9137.13
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