Szabolcs-László Bordás

Completed Solves
Romania 2010BORD01 Male 8 340

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 95 5032 19231 10.36 13.07 22273 5649 101
2x2x2 Cube 241 11961 39561 3.91 5.03 25723 7660 145
4x4x4 Cube 103 5846 20855 54.38 1:01.75 20459 5720 98
3x3x3 Fewest Moves 54 2932 7483 47
3x3x3 One-Handed 55 4064 15252 21.58 26.27 14686 3846 57
Pyraminx 364 18020 57880 9.94 14.38 58153 18006 360
Square-1 115 6057 18097 1:00.83 1:31.32 15633 5108 100

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
1 4 9

Record Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Valcea Rubik Open 2013 Final 6 15.66 17.80 20.3417.3615.6615.71DNF
Second round 3 12.88 13.48 13.5217.5612.8813.3813.55
First round 5 14.22 15.52 16.9715.6814.2214.6616.22
Constanta Rubik Open 2013 Final 3 14.36 15.36 14.3614.6315.7815.6616.41
Second round 2 13.80 14.87 14.6116.0214.5913.8015.41
First round 4 10.36 15.95 16.3616.4715.0318.1810.36
Romanian Open 2013 Final 6 14.90 15.68 17.2215.3815.0916.5814.90
Second round 6 13.33 16.45 16.0317.9615.3613.3318.08
First round 5 14.21 15.37 15.1818.7516.3814.2114.56
Romanian Nationals 2012 Final 1 12.34 13.07 12.8612.3415.3012.9413.40
Second round 3 13.83 15.27 17.9714.9713.8315.4615.38
First round 4 14.53 15.34 15.1515.0315.8414.5316.02
Bucharest Open 2012 Final 3 13.61 15.36 19.4413.7816.2716.0213.61
Second round 3 13.80 15.79 14.5517.9317.2713.8015.56
First round 7 14.84 19.72 22.3614.84DNF14.9321.88
Romanian Open 2011 Final 5 12.91 15.26 NR 12.9116.3815.8414.1815.75
Second round 6 11.91 NR 15.59 17.2111.9118.2212.6916.88
First round 6 13.05 15.45 NR 13.9613.0517.6614.72DNF
Romanian Nationals 2010 Final 2 14.00 15.73 NR 16.8817.7115.9314.0014.38
Second round 2 15.56 16.00 NR 15.5615.8116.1517.2516.05
First round 4 12.78 NR 17.51 16.1117.0312.7820.5219.38
Romanian Open 2010 Final 7 15.80 19.33 15.8020.1622.0019.4618.38
Second round 7 14.94 NR 18.21 20.1317.6114.9418.2518.77
First round 4 15.84 NR 17.39 NR 16.0322.3016.8315.8419.30

History of National Records

Single Average Competition Round Solves
3x3x3 Cube
15.26 Romanian Open 2011 Final 12.9116.3815.8414.1815.75
11.91 Romanian Open 2011 Second round
15.45 Romanian Open 2011 First round 13.9613.0517.6614.72DNF
15.73 Romanian Nationals 2010 Final 16.8817.7115.9314.0014.38
16.00 Romanian Nationals 2010 Second round 15.5615.8116.1517.2516.05
12.78 Romanian Nationals 2010 First round
14.94 Romanian Open 2010 Second round
15.84 17.39 Romanian Open 2010 First round 16.0322.3016.8315.8419.30
2x2x2 Cube
5.56 Romanian Open 2011 Second round 5.584.726.116.595.00
5.58 Romanian Open 2011 First round 5.184.727.116.844.61
5.38 Romanian Nationals 2010 Final
5.38 5.84 Romanian Open 2010 Final 5.915.905.38DNF5.72
4x4x4 Cube
1:03.44 Romanian Open 2011 First round
1:09.65 Romanian Nationals 2010 Final 1:09.651:07.461:15.881:06.901:11.84
1:10.16 1:13.51 Romanian Open 2010 Final 1:13.911:14.931:15.771:11.681:10.16
3x3x3 One-Handed
24.34 Romanian Open 2011 Final
32.96 Romanian Open 2011 First round 35.7727.7527.5337.5835.35
25.08 34.46 Romanian Open 2010 Final 34.8440.4437.0825.0831.46

National Championship Podiums

Event Place Single Average Solves
Romanian Nationals 2012
3x3x3 Cube 1 12.34 13.07 12.8612.3415.3012.9413.40
3x3x3 Fewest Moves 3 47 47
3x3x3 One-Handed 3 27.55 29.65 29.4733.3831.2827.5528.19
Romanian Nationals 2010
3x3x3 Cube 1 14.00 15.73 16.8817.7115.9314.0014.38
2x2x2 Cube 2 5.38 6.66 5.7810.067.336.865.38
4x4x4 Cube 1 1:06.90 1:09.65 1:09.651:07.461:15.881:06.901:11.84
3x3x3 One-Handed 1 29.46 34.81 DNF40.5529.4634.4129.47
Pyraminx 2 10.94 15.62 10.94DNF19.9412.3714.56
Square-1 2 1:00.83 1:31.32 1:13.561:59.661:37.411:00.831:43.00
Magic 3 3.02 3.30 3.023.383.274.443.25
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