Vincent Drouot

Completed Solves
France 2010DROU01 Male 4 126

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 811 11894 47630 13.81 14.95 35298 8839 622
2x2x2 Cube 947 16507 57392 4.77 5.96 41787 11940 688
4x4x4 Cube 649 8888 31484 1:07.50 1:14.62 28972 8197 594
5x5x5 Cube 397 5438 17983 2:05.56 2:17.08 16724 5013 363
3x3x3 Fewest Moves 191 2121 5316 41
3x3x3 One-Handed 492 6573 25347 27.43 35.42 27110 6974 511
Megaminx 226 3456 11433 1:50.13 2:03.49 11110 3328 208
Pyraminx 1400 26918 90281 14.90 16.07 68729 20925 1069

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
1 0 3
3x3x3 Cube
Champagne Summer Open 2013 Final 11 15.08 16.73 16.1515.0818.3622.8815.68
Second round 11 14.36 14.95 20.1515.2814.3815.1814.36
First round 13 14.86 17.03 19.2218.4417.4714.8615.19
Galeries Lafayette Open 2011 Second round 13 14.72 16.82 14.7217.7817.7520.4114.93
First round 18 14.59 17.73 20.2119.4114.5917.5916.18
French Championship 2011 First round 23 15.96 17.86 18.6617.0815.9617.8420.86
Lyon Sinterklaas Open 2010 Second round 7 16.90 19.06 16.9018.6319.2820.6619.27
First round 6 13.81 18.35 17.9022.3413.8117.4619.68
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