David Fang

Completed Solves
Indonesia 2010FANG01 Male 7 221

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 329 7576 21040 10.61 12.50 18771 6941 286
2x2x2 Cube 422 7541 27670 3.31 5.94 41419 12467 662
4x4x4 Cube 431 8358 24633 58.75 1:01.72 20448 7111 350
5x5x5 Cube 240 4789 15339 1:53.71 2:08.99 15417 4767 249
3x3x3 One-Handed 251 4911 13260 20.47 24.93 12679 4860 239
Pyraminx 92 1726 6516 3.69 4.32 2372 661 27

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
3 1 2

Record Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Jakarta Open 2012 Final 6 11.91 13.09 13.3313.8112.1313.8811.91
Second round 6 10.61 13.22 13.9313.3410.6115.5612.38
First round 11 12.21 14.26 41.5816.2513.9712.2112.56
Indonesian Open 2011 Final 4 11.96 13.07 17.7213.3011.9613.7712.15
Second round 9 12.66 13.61 13.4713.6613.7112.6613.69
First round 8 12.19 12.50 12.3612.1912.2112.9315.19
Jakarta Speedcubing Competition 2011 Second round 14 13.43 14.73 17.1916.3114.1513.7213.43
First round 10 11.40 14.66 14.1814.8414.9718.5311.40
Bogor Open 2011 Second round 6 13.50 14.24 13.7714.0516.0813.5014.91
First round 5 12.20 13.91 15.0212.7212.2014.4114.59
Jakarta Ceria Open 2010 Second round 15 12.46 15.20 14.3615.3119.7112.4615.94
First round 3 11.41 13.71 15.3813.4611.4118.1812.30
Indonesian Championship 2010 Second round 11 14.68 15.51 15.1514.6818.8814.6816.69
First round 12 13.63 15.90 13.6315.9015.4816.3317.53
Jakarta Open 2010 Second round 14 16.90 19.43 20.7218.1121.3019.4716.90
First round 7 14.56 17.59 14.5621.6519.2815.7117.78
Qualification round 2 16.97 18.61 22.8317.0021.6617.1616.97

History of National Records

Single Average Competition Round Solves
4.40 Indonesian Open 2011 Final
5.00 Jakarta Speedcubing Competition 2011 Final 5.843.946.303.865.22
5.16 Bogor Open 2011 Final 5.345.775.714.214.44

National Championship Podiums

Event Place Single Average Solves
Indonesian Open 2011
Pyraminx 1 3.72 4.40
Indonesian Championship 2010
Pyraminx 3 6.63 8.26 7.088.416.639.779.30
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