Lee Jin-Hyung (이진형)

Completed Solves
Republic of Korea 2010JINH01 Male 9 247

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 259 4483 12669 9.36 10.50 8317 2991 174
2x2x2 Cube 382 7164 26481 3.25 4.83 22497 6542 391
4x4x4 Cube 899 15298 50605 1:39.58
5x5x5 Cube 326 5183 16835 2:00.40 2:08.68 15353 4748 317
3x3x3 Blindfolded 32 472 1433 1:06.66
3x3x3 Fewest Moves 135 2707 9937 59
3x3x3 One-Handed 441 9567 26115 27.90 31.37 21916 8298 381
Clock 196 2307 9693 13.33 18.98 11479 2673 236
Megaminx 202 3187 12036 1:53.83 2:17.70 12566 3278 220
Pyraminx 125 3345 12491 4.77 11.89 40405 11032 430
Square-1 160 2057 9080 26.83 34.56 8461 1931 152

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
6 3 1

Record Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Korea New Year 2014 Second round 19 11.41 13.19 13.7914.1111.6611.4115.18
First round 22 12.66 13.73 13.5714.1512.6614.4513.47
Korean Winter 2013 Second round 18 9.36 12.51 12.6312.8312.0616.639.36
First round 17 10.97 12.69 14.1712.4119.3211.4910.97
Korean Style 2013 Final 11 11.21 12.61 11.2112.9711.9712.8813.75
Second round 13 12.08 13.27 12.0813.3812.8614.5013.56
First round 18 11.68 13.24 13.9414.4113.5611.6812.21
Cubing Korea January 2012 Final 6 11.00 12.63 11.5015.0812.5911.0013.81
Second round 11 12.43 13.74 15.3125.0813.0812.4312.83
First round 8 11.58 12.71 11.6114.8113.1513.3811.58
Cubing Korea New Years 2012 Final 11 12.00 13.53 13.5014.9112.0012.1915.15
First round 8 10.22 13.76 10.2215.0513.3012.9416.25
Cubing Korea December 2011 Final 5 11.66 12.61 12.6514.2812.5911.6612.59
Second round 3 11.89 12.44 11.9419.3213.2212.1611.89
First round 7 11.83 13.34 11.8313.4415.2214.2112.36
Cubing Korea Xmas Eve 2011 Final 1 9.69 10.50 NR 14.979.6910.8810.5510.06
First round 4 11.41 12.02 11.9612.4011.6928.2811.41
Korean Championship 2011 Final 13 13.30 15.56 13.5518.0213.3022.7215.11
First round 7 12.03 13.79 18.0513.4112.0313.5214.43
Korea Cube Championship 2010 Final 10 14.78 17.21 18.2715.0818.2714.7820.69
First round 7 12.83 15.52 18.5817.4712.8313.4415.65

History of National Records

Single Average Competition Round Solves
3x3x3 Cube
10.50 Cubing Korea Xmas Eve 2011 Final 14.979.6910.8810.5510.06
3x3x3 Blindfolded
1:06.66 Korea New Year 2014 Final
1:17.46 Korean Winter 2013 Final
1:20.71 Cubing Korea Xmas Eve 2011 Final
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