Lee Kyeong-Sub (이경섭)

Completed Solves
Republic of Korea 2010KYEO01 Male 13 373

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 470 8251 22815 10.85 12.85 20888 7778 441
2x2x2 Cube 59 947 4343 1.70 2.34 1245 287 19
4x4x4 Cube 241 4061 11643 44.39 51.38 11986 4272 262
5x5x5 Cube 223 3364 10412 1:35.30 1:48.35 11046 3560 233
3x3x3 Blindfolded 109 1917 5802 3:15.74
3x3x3 Fewest Moves 104 1743 6472 44
3x3x3 One-Handed 102 2014 5595 15.70 19.11 5134 1928 102
Pyraminx 168 4359 16327 5.33 5.89 6105 1758 78
Skewb 432 8269 33588 9.88 20.38 46299 11084 578
Square-1 176 2302 10315 29.64 43.50 11271 2508 192

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
6 3 1

Record Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Korean Championship 2022 First round 84 12.61 14.82 18.7313.7515.8314.8812.61
Korean Championship 2018 Second round 45 11.19 12.85 11.1913.5414.2813.0311.97
First round 56 10.85 13.55 13.9815.3011.3615.9610.85
Korea Winter 2015 Second round 40 12.25 14.71 17.1312.2541.2712.6214.37
First round 33 11.49 14.17 1:09.7814.7111.9915.8211.49
Korean KAIST Style 2015 Second round 21 11.13 14.55 11.1314.7117.9014.0614.89
First round 18 12.41 13.75 14.7112.7414.5912.4113.91
Korean Christmas Cup 2014 First round 29 13.98 15.65 15.2413.9815.8716.9515.83
Korea New Year 2014 Second round 29 13.09 14.50 14.2313.4713.0915.8117.96
First round 19 12.32 13.44 13.5912.3213.0114.7813.71
Korean Winter 2013 Second round 22 12.09 13.43 13.8112.9013.5813.9212.09
First round 28 11.72 14.31 13.8811.7214.9116.2114.13
Korean Style 2013 Second round 28 12.50 15.82 16.0217.4316.7114.7212.50
First round 26 13.30 15.22 13.3014.3817.9113.3823.90
Cubing Korea January 2012 Second round 16 13.22 14.87 15.0213.2216.1917.1213.40
First round 25 17.40 18.67 18.5917.4017.5019.9719.93
Cubing Korea New Years 2012 First round 31 15.84 23.49 DNF16.2815.8424.8629.33
Korean Championship 2011 Final 15 12.49 15.81 19.5515.4014.6512.4917.38
First round 11 11.90 14.44 14.0617.9311.9014.9114.36
Korea Cube Championship 2010 First round 37 19.81 19.8122.71

History of National Records

Single Average Competition Round Solves
2x2x2 Cube
2.47 Korean Style 2013 First round 1.863.337.782.211.88

National Championship Podiums

Event Place Single Average Solves
Korean Championship 2022
2x2x2 Cube 3 2.28 2.93
Korean Championship 2018
2x2x2 Cube 3 2.02 3.01 2.023.872.612.548.79
Korean Championship 2011
2x2x2 Cube 2 2.52 3.45 2.523.783.802.784.84
Pyraminx 2 7.28 8.45 8.527.6513.197.289.18
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