Abner Priyo Utomo

Completed Solves
Indonesia 2010UTOM02 Male 9 300

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 357 7979 22080 10.75 11.55 13357 4902 201
2x2x2 Cube 196 3550 14046 2.55 4.37 15893 4488 209
4x4x4 Cube 156 3303 9419 41.90 48.71 9811 3493 170
5x5x5 Cube 108 2237 6702 1:22.65 1:31.64 6675 2217 105
6x6x6 Cube 74 1699 5808 3:03.90 3:13.91 5523 1624 67
7x7x7 Cube 104 2402 8600 6:33.05 7:31.14 7478 2173 98
3x3x3 One-Handed 88 1737 4879 15.15 17.75 3668 1329 63
Megaminx 221 4232 17012 2:26.50 2:45.38 14669 3723 184

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
3 5 2
3x3x3 Cube
Jogja Mini Competition 2015 First round 7 11.86 13.97 13.9313.9015.5211.8614.09
Altamira Jogja Istimewa 2015 Final 7 12.31 13.07 DNF12.3112.9312.8313.46
Second round 6 11.09 12.67 19.0211.0912.9313.9611.13
First round 11 14.43 15.29 14.8115.2214.4317.3115.84
Pasuruan Open 2012 Final 2 13.11 14.49 15.1315.4414.2214.1313.11
Second round 1 10.75 11.55 11.6910.7511.0311.9419.90
First round 3 12.21 16.74 19.2525.9116.6814.3012.21
Bandung Dua Tujuh 2011 Final 9 12.75 15.35 12.7513.5519.11DNF13.40
Second round 6 11.33 13.24 14.4313.0812.2114.9411.33
First round 4 11.16 12.69 12.7514.9712.4011.1612.91
UKDW Open 2011 Final 17 14.28 17.07 17.6815.9314.2817.5923.08
First round 7 12.81 14.51 14.7813.6816.2815.0812.81
Indonesian Open 2011 Final 18 12.40 17.34 12.4016.2717.2719.9718.47
Second round 18 11.11 14.20 13.0211.1114.1917.9715.38
First round 20 12.58 14.10 17.0213.6813.8014.8112.58
Semarang Fun Cube 2011 Final 7 12.13 13.67 12.1314.1513.2513.6115.34
Second round 10 12.50 14.62 14.3316.5212.5013.0220.47
First round 10 14.25 14.73 14.6814.2516.9314.7814.72
Indonesian Championship 2010 First round 64 18.69 21.91 19.3418.6927.1322.4623.93
Qualification round 37 18.34 20.73 26.4718.3422.4420.2119.55

National Championship Podiums

Event Place Single Average Solves
Indonesian Open 2011
3x3x3 One-Handed 2 18.69 20.32 21.5018.6926.9119.1620.30
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