Ties de Wit

Completed Solves
Netherlands 2010WITT01 Male 7 95

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1181 31050 127598 25.11 31.15 130493 31717 1219
2x2x2 Cube 440 10774 35138 3.69 4.83 22511 6800 269
Clock 246 5746 16612 21.90 24.95 14558 4994 214
Pyraminx 473 11901 36905 7.71 12.11 42097 13392 526
3x3x3 Cube
NEMO Amsterdam Open 2012 Second round 34 28.40 31.15 38.4630.8628.4033.7228.86
First round 37 25.11 33.38 31.1938.7235.1933.7525.11
Dutch Nationals 2011 First round 29 27.43 35.15 31.1537.2727.4337.0340.27

National Championship Podiums

Event Place Single Average Solves
Dutch Nationals 2011
Magic 3 1.38 1.52 2.381.551.501.521.38
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